Meet the Team

Our Doctors

Dr Pauline Gage (Female)
(St Andrews, 1997) BSc (Hons) (University of Manchester, 2002) MBChB MRCGP (2006)

Dr Jenny Calvert (Female)
(University of Manchester, 2002) MB ChB MRCGP DFFP

Dr Johannah Langmead (Female)
(University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2005) MRCGP DRCOG DFSRH

Dr Daniel Berkeley (Male)
(University of Nottingham, 2007) BMBS (Hons) BMedSc (Hons) MRCGP

Dr Sue Dowling (Female)
(University of London, 1997) MB BS MA (Dip Rem Health) MRCGP

Dr Andrea Mulgrew (Female)
(University of Nottingham, 1984) BM BS

Dr Joanne Procter (Female)
(University of Manchester, 2015) MB ChB

Dr Matthias Dombrowsky (Male)
(University Wien (Vienna), 2012) MD

Dr Sharmila Jenkinson (Female)
(University Leicester, 1998) MB ChB

Dr Megan Ashwood (Female)
(University of Wales, 2011) MB Bch

Dr Julia Robson (Female)
(University of Birmingham, 2009) MB ChB

Dr Rachel Walsh (Female)
(University of London, 1995) MB BS

Non-urgent advice: Please Note

Our practice is a training/teaching practice. We may have students attached to our practice for short periods. If you do not wish to have the student present during your consultation please inform the reception staff prior to seeing the clinician.

Our Nursing Team

Practice Nurses

Sister Angela Braniff

Sister Julie Skelton

Sister Janice Cox

Sister Jelka Foster

Respiratory Nurse

Sister Hayley Gunning

Sister Amy Graham-Holliday

Sister Mandy McCombe

Sister Allyson Black

Sister Donna Dixon

Sister Sian Curwen

Sister Lydia Casson

Paediatric Nurses

Sister Julia Laws
(Paediatric Specialist Nurse)

Sister Katy Heap
(Paediatric Specialist Nurse)

Advanced Nurse Practitioners

Sister Lynsey Preston-Miller
(Advanced Nurse Practitioner)

Sister Katey Bowe
(Advanced Nurse Practitioner)

Sister Judith Routledge
(Advanced Nurse Practitioner)

Sister Susannah Zaninetti

Non-urgent advice:

Our practice nurse team see patients both by appointment and as urgent (on-the-day). They are involved in all the screening programmes as well as taking blood samples, routine blood pressure checks, long-term condition reviews, undertaking cardiograms and cervical smears. They can offer advice on numerous health topics, including all long term conditions.

Our Healthcare Team

Healthcare Assistants

Nicola Barcock
(Health Care Assistant)

Barbara Hill
(Health Care Assistant)

Angela Kendall
(Health Care Assistant)

Diane Moore
(Health Care Assistant)

Liz Forsyth
(Health Care Assistant)

Cerys Kendall
(Health Care Assistant/Trainee Nurse Apprentice)

Social Prescribing Team

Lynn Mumberson
(under 18 years)

Donald Graham
(18-64 years)

Christine McGee Care Coordinator
(65 years +)

Allison Blair Care Coordinator
(65 years +)

Margaret Burney
Paediatric Social Prescriber

Kathryne Farkas

Mental Health Care Coordinator

First Contact Physiotherapists

Debbie Walker

Duty Team

Allison Upton

Curtis Rutter

Jacqui Lowes

Our Practice Team

Currently the Practice employs almost eighty members of staff from Reception, Admin, Cleaners through to clinicians including Nurses, HCAs and Salaried GPs.

Practice Management Team

Liam Southwell

Practice Manager

Lewis Stephenson

Assistant Practice Manager

Community Care Team

Community Care Practitioners

Our Community Care Practitioners carry out home visits and also sees patients on a book on day basis.

Frailty Care Coordinator

Our Frailty Care Coordinator (Allison Blair) is based at the Surgery and undertakes Home Visits to speak with patients about services available in the community to help them with any needs including care, helping patients to stay in their homes with support.

Medicines Management Team

The Medicines Management Team (Medicines Manager, Medicines Management Administrator, Prescribing Clerk & Clinical Pharmacists) can help you with any queries about medication, drugs, repeat prescriptions etc. You can contact the Medicines Management Team on 01900 815544.